A text from Hannah this morning reminded me that it's been quite a while since my last trip to the monogrammer! I think its safe to say that my obscene obsession with monograms is pretty obvious. My "Monogram Obsession" board on Pinterest is by far my favorite board to add to. Here are some of my favorite pins to help get inspired...
Other things on my To-Be-Monogrammed List...
- Shorts
- Norts
- Hair Bows
- Headbands
- Jeans Pockets
- Beach Towels
- Beach Bags
- Bikini Tops or Bottoms
- Bandaeus
- Sports Bras
- Longchamps
- Hats
- Pillow Cases
- Coin Purses
- Computers/iPads/iPhone Cases
- T-shirts
- T-shirt tanktops
- Backpack
- Scarves
- Wallets
- Makeup Bags