Every summer at camp Bruce Netherwood, the director of Camps Burgess and Hayward presents his "Philosophy Talk," on the last night of staff training. I truly love camp more than anything else in my life. I can say with 100% certainty that I have never been happier than I am the days I spend at 75 Stowe Road, Sandwich MA, 02563. After two years away last summer I was a bliss and contentment that I didn't even remember existed within myself until I was back in the setting that it was allowed to be reborn. I remember about ten days in this past summer, calling my mom in tears, not because I was homesick like I am every single day at college, but because I was so happy to be so happy. Going to camp was the absolute best thing I have ever done for myself AND the best thing that my parents have ever done for me. I hope that those who aren't lucky enough to have had the same experiences that I did at camp can watch this video and begin to understand a little better why it is so special.