February 5, 2013

Recruitment Weekend and Bid Day

Waiting for the baby Chis!
Sorry for the lack of posting! The past two weekends of recruitment were really intense. I barely left Phi Sig from Thursday to Sunday and I hadn't seen the outside world until I went to my 8am on Monday morning. Despite the lack of sleep and the bronchitis I got afterwards, it was so worth it!!! 

Phi Sig is proud to have 63 new baby Chis! They're all so great and I cannot wait to get to know them better. I really loved being on the other side of recruitment and getting the chance to tell so many girls why Phi Sig is the best house on campus. 

Spring semester last year feels like it was just days ago, it flew by so quickly with big/little, initiation, spring formal, and Cinco. It was literally the best semester EVER and I only hope that this Spring can come close to living up to it. I hope the Chis have just as much fun as I did.

For Bid Day on Sunday we all went to Wonderworks at Destiny USA. It was really cool--it reminded me a lot of the Boston Museum of Science. I really want to go back for the huge ropes course they have hanging over the rest of the mall. So weird that the new part of the mall has so many random attractions, but they all looked really cool and I would love to go back.

Getting a little weird well the babies are getting their bids!
Welcome home!