May 30, 2013

Prom Night!

Wellesley Prom was two nights ago and I am lovinggggg stalking everyone's beautiful dresses! I feel like Wellesley is slightly more casual about prom than most other towns are. Very few people my year did the long dress thing but it looks like a lot of girls this year did. I definitely wish I had though because when else can you work a long formal dress?

I loved prom night. I wore a Lilly Pulitzer summer dress and the Lily gold wedges. But my favorite part was the perfect crown braid my haidresser did for me. Why can't my hair look like this everyday!!

Here's are my prom dress picks if I could do it all over again: 

My Lilly prom pick. It's cute and simple and can definitely be easily re-worn. I got a lot of use out of my Lilly prom dress and I think that this one would be the same.
I love this, and it also has a really gorgeous bare back. I think it would look so cute with some really daring neon or gold jewelry.
This Trina Turk dress is adorable with a deep tan and gold accessories.
I love a good high necked dress. This dress is just begging for bold jewelry!